
Корреляции валютных пар в МТ4 и МТ5 8 лучших форекс индикаторов 150 150 Daniel Shires

Корреляции валютных пар в МТ4 и МТ5 8 лучших форекс индикаторов

Рост экономики этих стран нередко приводит к тому, что их национальные валюты ослабевают — такой вот забавный парадокс связанный, тем не менее, с определенными экономическими механизмами. Если же фондовый рынок безутешно падает, инвесторы забирают свои денежки, конвертируя их обратно в свою валюту и национальная денежная единица ослабевает. Именно эта история происходит сейчас у нас, достаточно взглянуть на ужасающее состояние индекса РТС, что падает аж с 2011 года. Наш, родной русский индекс (тикер RTS), учитывающий 50 крупнейших отечественных компаний, чьи акции котируются на Московской бирже. Список компаний, чьи акции учитываются в индексе, пересматриваются раз в 3 месяца. Появился индекс 1 сентября 1995 года и получил базовое значение 100.

Если следить за спредами и ожиданиями по ставкам Центробанков – можно выявить основные причины, влияющие на изменение котировок. В момент расширения спреда, валюта страны, у которой большой процент – будет укрепляться по сравнению с той, которая имеет меньший процент. Основная информация libertex отзывы получается из 10-ти годовых бондов, по ним можно определить ключевые ставки. Если сравнить их с долларовым индексом (DXY), то можно заметить корреляцию. Традиционно для этих дух активов – цена имела прямую корреляцию, однако на протяжении нескольких лет, она переросла в обратную.

  • Кстати, там же можно разжиться историей котировок для периода D1 доллара к основным мировым валютам аж с 1971 года.
  • При этом брокер все же выступает посредником.DMA – клиент покупает\продает у поставщика ликвидности, при этом участие брокера сведено к минимуму, а трейдер получает большую свободу действий.
  • Для оценки схожести инструментов на рынке Форекс используются специальные калькуляторы.
  • Открывая сделку по одному активу, тщательно следят за зеркальным и как только там происходят изменения, используют информацию в анализе и принятии решений.
  • Практически все активы, так или иначе, подвержены влиянию со стороны биржевых товаров и процентов по гособлигациям.

Если сигнал по паре (2) отсутствует, тогда берется пара (3) и по ней изучается поведение. Фактически предстоит определить, кто из игроков рынка – Япония, США или Европейский Союз является определяющими в движении рыночных пар на текущий момент. Чтобы увидеть в графике TradingView процент дохода с 10-летних гособлигаций США, достаточно ввести тикер TNX. В данном случае, процент по облигациям является отличным индикатором, указывающим на состояние фондового рынка США. Чем больше процент — тем чаще покупают доллар США (ибо именно за USD приобретают эти облигации).

Так например, если вы установили Форекс робота на пару EURUSD, то подключение GBPUSD или USDCHF принесет одновременные просадки и убытки. Из таблицы выше мы знаем, что у EURUSD большой коэффициент корреляции с GBPUSD. Эта методика основывается на утверждении, что кросс-пары запаздывают за основными, но при активном движении мажоров, они также уверенно реагируют, иногда с удвоенной силой. Например, если курс EUR/USD и USD/JPY одинаково стремится вверх, то можно покупать кросс-пару EUR/JPY, ее рост ожидается с двойной силой.

Если риск по покупке одного опциона приближается к этому значению, то покупать второй нужно с учетом коррелируемости активов. При депозите в $1000 не стоит покупать опцион ВВЕРХ по EUR/USD на сумму более чем $50. После покупки до окончания торгов даже уверенный сигнал по сделке ВНИЗ по USD/CHF не может служить сигналом к действию. Надо или дождаться результата, или захеджироваться покупкой обратного опциона. Правильным решением будет проанализировать USD/CHF и, в случае наличия сигнала, разделить опцион на 2 части. То есть, открыть сделку ВВЕРХ по EUR/USD на сумму $25, и сделку ВНИЗ по USD/CHF на $25.

Важность расчета корреляции в торговле на форекс

А это значит, что, если по каким-либо причинам нефть показывает сильный рост, то рост покажет и канадский доллар – то есть пара USD/CAD пойдет вниз. Но что если я скажу вам, что в определенных рыночных условиях существует такая вещь, как опережающий индикатор. Хотя это не обычный технический индикатор в прямом смысле этого слова. Я имею в виду корреляцию валютных пар в кроссах с йеной. Этот индикатор не скажет вам, когда нужно покупать, продавать или фиксировать прибыль. Вместо этого, вы сможете получить сильный намек о будущем направлении рынка.

  • Но при этом на межбанковский рынок торговля не распространяется.
  • Если вы не хотите долго разбираться, то на сегодня лучший брокер -Finmax, он на голову опережает других и по качеству предоставляемых услуг и по популярности.
  • Именно эта история происходит сейчас у нас, достаточно взглянуть на ужасающее состояние индекса РТС, что падает аж с 2011 года.
  • Чтобы систематизировать движение, аналитиками разработан такой показатель, как коэффициент корреляции.

Ведь состояние крупнейших компаний и является ключевым индикатором. В этой тактике взаимосвязь валютных пар применяется в качестве источника кросс-валютных сигналов. То есть, при наличии сигналов по EUR/USD нужно дополнительно исследовать, есть ли подтверждающие сигналы по GBP/USD или AUD/USD.

А если добавить сюда USD/CAD (для комплексного анализа), которая на фоне роста цены на нефть начала снижаться, высока вероятность снижения пары GBP/CAD. Кроме того, спад цен на нефть и сырьевые товары значительно ослабил корреляции в определенных валютных парах с участием таких сырьевых валют, как AUD, CAD и NZD. Событием, которое застало врасплох весь рынок форекс, стало решение Швейцарского национального банка по коррекции обменного курса швейцарского франка в январе 2015 года. Обратите внимание, что на приведенном графике степень корреляции между всеми валютными парами увеличивается с ростом уровня страха. Это для нас особенно полезно, поскольку каждая основная валюта связана с японской иеной, которая, в свою очередь, связана с настроением к риску или уровнем страха на рынке.

Корреляция валютных пар и как ее использовать

Открытие противоположных позиций в валютных парах, которые имеют сильную положительную корреляцию, может быть чем-то вроде хеджирования для уменьшения общего риска открытых позиций. Из-за того, что Канада является крупным производителем нефти, ее валюта может напрямую зависеть от колебаний фьючерс цен на сырую нефть. Если цена на сырую нефть повысится, повышение цены на товар, как правило, приведет к росту стоимости канадского доллара по отношению к другим валютам. Таким образом, относительная стоимость канадского доллара положительно коррелирует с ценой нефти Brent.

Что такое лот на Форекс и как его рассчитать

Если Вы торгуете валютные пары, в котировке которых есть валюта USD, то индекс доллара даст представление об относительной силе доллара касаемо валютных пар типа EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF и т.п. И при случае неопределенности прогноза даст более ясную картину рынка. Можно смело сказать, что USDX имеет корреляцию с вышеуказанными валютными парами и этот показатель трейдер может использовать как дополнительный индикатор при анализе рынка. На рисунке ниже при помощи сервиса tradingview я вывел корреляцию между индексом доллара и основными валютными парами, входящими в состав индекса.

Являясь геометрическим выражением числовых величин, ценовые графики могут подвергаться анализу разнообразными математическими методами. Одним из них является корреляция, заключающаяся в соответствии ценовых динамик двух или более валютных пар на определенном временном участке. Основываясь на ее принципах, были разработаны торговые стратегии корреляции валютных пар, позволяющие с высокой степенью достоверности спрогнозировать ценовую динамику в будущем.

Стратегия на основе корреляции валютных пар

Откройте в окне Navigator (Навигатор) ветку “Examples” в дереве данных “Indicators” и проверьте.

Индекс доллара (DXY) пробил важный уровень, а потом откатился к этому уровню, это так называемый «ретест». Это обычная картина в техническом анализе и, как мы знаем, сигнал о покупках. Так как индекс доллара имеет обратную корреляцию с фунтом, для нас это сигнал о продаже фунта и, как видно, фунт отреагировал соответствующе. Фондовая биржа – это площадка для торговли акциями компаний, облигациями, долговыми ценными бумагами и пр.

Чтобы узнать коэффициент корреляции данной пары с другой парой, нужно просто навести курсор на интересующую пару в окне индикатора, выбрать таймфрейм – и мы мгновенно получим  результат. Существует положительная корреляция между активами, которые имеют тенденцию двигаться в одном бинарные опционы биржи и том же направлении. Например, наблюдается положительная корреляция между стоимостью канадского доллара по отношению к доллару США и ценой на нефть. И наоборот, существует отрицательная корреляция между активами, которые обычно движутся в противоположных направлениях.

Что касается скользящей корреляции, ловить ее довольно сложно. К примеру, часто цена на золото опережает или немного отстает от GBP/USD. Но такую взаимосвязь нужно рассчитывать чуть ли не для каждого отдельного торгового дня. В свою очередь сильный рост нефти может вызвать падение золота и увеличить стоимость CFD на акции добывающих компаний. Но они подчиняются общему тренду фондовых индексов, поэтому отреагируют, скорее всего, на их понижательную динамику, даже при росте цен на энергоносители. Нефть с российским рублем движутся схоже по причине того, что Россия является крупнейшим нефтедобытчиком в мире.

Валютные пары: корреляция, основные, для новичков на форекс

Новая Зеландия является одним из крупнейших производителей золота, и этим обусловлена прямая зависимость валютной пары и драгоценного метала. Если знать и применять данную взаимосвязь, то это открывает перед трейдером дополнительные возможности для заработка. К примеру многие перед тем как входить в рынок по евро/доллару, вначале смотрят на индекс доллара, чтобы принять окончательное решение. Для сравнения корреляции 2 валютных пар используется индикатор Зигзаг. Correlation ZZ сравнивает отрезки, построенные зигзагом на 2 графиках и если движение совпадает, то второй график окрашивается в зеленый цвет.

Тогда можно использовать данные как предупреждающий сигнал про будущие изменения. Открывая сделку по одному активу, тщательно следят за зеркальным и как только там происходят изменения, используют информацию в анализе и принятии решений. Торговля максимально эффективна тогда, когда работают соответствующие валютной паре сессии. Так, например, самой эффективной будет торговля GBP/USD и EUR/USD во время Лондонской сессии и на протяжении первых часов американской (когда оба рынка функционируют). Волатильность – это диапазон, в котором может меняться стоимость валютной пары за определенный период. Так, за день одна пара может менять стоимость в пределах 1-2 долларов США (112 утром и 114 вечером, грубо говоря), другая – на все 150 (утром стоить 250, вечером – 400).

Units Of Production Depreciation Method Explanation And Examples 150 150 Daniel Shires

Units Of Production Depreciation Method Explanation And Examples

units of production depreciation

Likewise, it is important for the company to properly measure the productivity that the fixed asset produces during each period of accounting. Businesses often use depreciation to offset the initial cost of acquiring an asset for tax purposes. Rather than fully deduct the cost of an asset in the same year it was purchased, businesses can deduct part of the cost of the asset each year according to a calculated depreciation schedule. Let’s say that, according to the manufacturer, the bouncy castle can be used a total of 100,000 hours before its useful life is over. To get the depreciation cost of each hour, we divide the book value over the units of production expected from the asset.

units of production depreciation

These papers must include the date of purchase and the cost of the asset. While tangible assets are depreciated, intangible assets are amortized. Oil PLC installs a crude oil processing plant costing $12 million with an estimated capacity to process 50 million barrels of crude oil during its entire life. The articles and research support materials available on this site are educational and are not intended to be investment or tax advice. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly. The main advantage of this method is that it’s easy to use and understand.

Calculate units of production depreciation

This method calculates the depreciation for the asset when the asset’s value is closely related to the number of units produced instead of the number of useful years. To calculate composite depreciation rate, divide depreciation per year by total historical cost. To calculate depreciation expense, multiply the result by the same total historical cost. There are several methods for calculating depreciation, generally based on either the passage of time or the level of activity (or use) of the asset. If you decide to use units of production depreciation, keep in mind that your tax preparer will still make a separate depreciation calculation for tax purposes.

The added effort of using units of production depreciation gives you better insights into the true cost of running your equipment. This, in turn, can help you determine if your pricing model is profitable. It can also help you determine how quickly you are likely to fully deplete the value of your equipment.

What Does the Unit of Production Method Tell You?

On the other hand, expenses to maintain the property are only deductible while the property is being rented out – or actively being advertised for rent. This includes things like routine cleaning and maintenance expenses and repairs that keep the property in usable condition. It’s a good idea to consult with your accountant before you decide which fees to lump in with the cost of your property.

units of production depreciation

Units of Production Depreciation Calculators are valuable tools for businesses, especially in industries like manufacturing, where equipment and machinery are essential assets. It allows for more accurate financial reporting by aligning depreciation with actual usage, which can be beneficial for budgeting and tax purposes. Not calculating depreciation will keep you away from realizing the actual value of the asset at that time.

Car Finance Calculators

If the sales price is ever less than the book value, the resulting capital loss is tax-deductible. If the sale price were ever more than the original book value, then the gain above the original book value is recognized as a capital gain. Depreciation calculations determine the portion of an asset’s cost that can be deducted in a given year. Or, it may be larger in earlier years and decline annually over the life of the asset.

  • Depreciation on all assets is determined by using the straight-line-depreciation method.
  • Under the United States depreciation system, the Internal Revenue Service publishes a detailed guide which includes a table of asset lives and the applicable conventions.
  • Adam received his master’s in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology.
  • Some companies may use the double-declining balance equation for more aggressive depreciation and early expense management.
  • To arrive at the depreciation expense, we will multiply the number of Widgets produced each month by $0.10 to arrive at the depreciation expense for the month.

These are the values we shall utilize in the calculation of depreciation using the Unit of Production method. Finance Strategists is a leading financial education organization that connects people with financial professionals, priding itself on providing accurate and reliable financial information to millions of readers each year. We believe everyone should be able to make financial Accounting for Startups: 7 Bookkeeping Tips for Your Startup decisions with confidence. And while our site doesn’t feature every company or financial product available on the market, we’re proud that the guidance we offer, the information we provide and the tools we create are objective, independent, straightforward — and free. Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader.

Win a Money Can’t Buy Equestrian Experience 1024 512 Daniel Shires

Win a Money Can’t Buy Equestrian Experience

To celebrate the continuing expansion of the all-new Bolesworth International, June the 14th to 18th, the team behind the event has pulled together an exciting competition which will provide a pair of weekend tickets to the must-do Equestrian and Lifestyle festival for one lucky winner, together with a place with their own horse, on an exclusive clinic with Geoff Billington at Bolesworth Castle in Cheshire, on Tuesday the 11th of April 2023.

Legendary British showjumper Geoff Billington is a double Olympian and Hickstead Derby winner. He’s running the clinic with other top showjumpers as part of their preparation for the upcoming Bolesworth International. Geoff will be competing at Bolesworth, and also co-hosting a Masterclass with fellow Olympian Nicola Wilson on Wednesday 14th June.

The Bolesworth International will showcase world-class CSI 3* International showjumping along with classes for amateur levels as well as 5, 6 and 7-year-old Young Horses, but there’ll also be favourites such as Puissance, Fancy Dress, Mini Major and Ride & Drive.

New-for-2023 are an Eventing Grand Prix and Masterclass, a ‘Trooping the Colour’ Charity Park Ride, open to all levels of riders, in aid of the Riding for the Disabled Association and the amazing spectacle of Ben Atkinson and his incredible stunt horses.

From Friday, the lifestyle aspect of the event opens with a huge shopping village selling equestrian and premium brands, celebrity food and drink experiences, live music, children’s activities, action sports, family fun, have-a-go zones, and weekend camping!

The winner of the Bolesworth Facebook competition will be offered a bespoke training session with Geoff, which can be tailored to the rider’s jumping level, whether that’s 50cm or 1.25m. The prize includes, amongst many others, a haul of goodies from Bolesworth International brand partners such as a bag of feed worth £100 from Dodson Horrell, a media package from Events Through a Lens, and a set of Le Mieux Tendon boots, hood and saddle pad. A complimentary lunch for the winner and up to two guests is also part of the money-can’t-buy package, as is the opportunity to meet influencers and high-profile riders, who will contest the Bolesworth International in June, such as last year’s Grand Prix winner Louise Saywell, Richard Howley, Harlow Luna White (and Popcorn), Georgia Kavulok, Meg Elphick, Kate Lewis, Yaz Pinchen and Saskia Davies.

To enter: the competition go to our Facebook Page, like and comment on the competition post, with a picture of your horse and why you really want to win (one entry per person).

The closing date is 12 noon on Monday the 3rd of April and the winner will be announced the following day on the 4th (terms and conditions apply).

For more information on the 2023 Bolesworth International and to check out ticket options, visit

International Womens Day 2023
Bolesworth Celebrates International Women’s Day 1024 512 Daniel Shires

Bolesworth Celebrates International Women’s Day

In celebration of International Women’s Day, today March 8th, the team at Bolesworth Events has announced a lineup of inspiring guest speakers for a brand-new Women in Business Day at its newly relaunched Bolesworth International on Thursday, June 15th.

Find Out More About the Event

Bolesworth is headed up by a female managing director in the shape of Nina Barbour. She is spearheading change at the Cheshire estate and has a firm vision to continue to build a sustainable business around the pillars of property, events and leisure, and is currently working up an ambitious five-year plan ahead of the Castle’s Bicentenary in 2028.

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Nina, with her determination and foresight, fulfils that criteria as do the three incredibly successful career women – Collette Roche, Louise Minchin and Victoria Price – who will form the speaking panel at the Bolesworth International Women in Business Day, Collette Roche is Chief Operating Officer of Manchester United Football Club. She is responsible for managing all aspects of Old Trafford and leads operations, infrastructure development, digital transformation, and a number of corporate functions across the Club. She is also the designated Chair of the Manchester United Foundation Board. Collette was listed by Vogue as one of the 25 most influential women working in Britain in 2018 and featured in the FTSE 100 Women to Watch list in 2022.

Louise Minchin is a well-known and respected TV presenter, journalist, author and podcaster. She presented the UK’s most watched morning TV programme BBC Breakfast for 20 years, covering all the major news stories of the last two decades. Her new book Fearless, Adventures with Extraordinary Women reflects her passion for celebrating women’s success. In each chapter Louise takes on a difficult challenge with a different courageous woman to tell their incredible stories. As part of it she has swum from Alcatraz, free dived under ice in the dark in Finland, and cycled across Argentina.

Victoria Price is the Europe, Middle East, India & Africa (EMEIA) Private Tax Leader for Ernst & Young (EY) Global Limited. In this role, she drives the tax strategy across the region to bring the most innovative solutions to the dynamic private clients to help them plan efficiently for the diverse challenges they face. She is also impassioned about helping young people to realise their career ambitions and is a devoted supporter of the EY Foundation program. In aid of the charity, she has trekked across the Sahara, climbed Kilimanjaro and completed the Yorkshire Three Peaks with alumni from the EY Entrepreneur of the Year program.

A host of world-class sport will run alongside the Bolesworth International Women in Business Day in Bolesworth’s bespoke showjumping arenas with many female riders in the thick of the action. Top sportsperson Louise Saywell, mother of an 18-month-old daughter, will feature heavily in the higher-ranking classes and will be intent on repeating last year’s victory in the highly-revered showjumping finale, the Bolesworth Grand Prix.

Commenting on Bolesworth’s latest developments, Nina Barbour said: “We are delighted to be launching an exciting new business focused session at the Bolesworth International this year with three truly inspirational women based in the North West. In the spirit of International Women’s Day, they will be sharing their amazing experiences with us, and helping us celebrate our amazing sport where men and women compete at the highest level on a totally level playing field.”

Additional VIP packages that are available throughout the show include the established business networking lunch on Friday 16th featuring an Audience with Michael Owen and Sir AP McCoy, Ladies Day on Saturday 17th, and evening sessions that combine favourite sporting highlights such as the Puissance with Live Music and exclusive Entertainment. VIP tickets are priced from £99.00 (adult) and £78 (child)*.

The brand new Bolesworth International has a packed programme of events and adrenaline-fuelled displays and activities throughout the weekend for the whole family with camping available onsite for Friday and Saturday nights. Highlights include stunt horses, freestyle motocross displays and a new live music stage on Friday and Saturday nights headlining with Rick Parfitt Jr and the RPJ band, The Brand New Heavies and DJ Trevor Nelson. The event kicks off with sporting action from 8am on Wednesday 14th June and runs right through to 7.30pm on Sunday 18th of June 2023.

Visit for full details and to book tickets.

Tattenhall Wildlife Group Tree Planting Memorial Wood
700 Trees Planted at Memorial Wood 1024 638 Daniel Shires

700 Trees Planted at Memorial Wood

Armed with spades and mallets and wrapped up against the elements, members of TWiG (Tattenhall Wildlife Group) planted 700 trees over the weekend of the 25th and 26th of February on reclaimed farmland owned by the Bolesworth Estate.

Ably assisted by Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award students, the TWiG team planted Dogwood, Guelder Rose, Hawthorn, Holly, Hornbeam, Wild Cherry, Wych Elm, Oak and Silver Birch, all supplied free of charge by the Woodland Trust.

In memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the freshly-planted hectare has been named Memorial Wood. The area was returned to Bolesworth by one of the estate’s key dairy farming tenants Robin Langford, specifically for the tree planting.

The new area of woodland will bolster existing flood defences, support climate change and increase biodiversity within the Parish.

A public footpath winds through the land, making Memorial Wood accessible to residents of Tattenhall and the surrounding areas. Dogs on leads are welcome too.

Commenting on the community initiative, Nina Barbour Managing Director of Bolesworth said: “We welcome this opportunity to give back to the community and help to strengthen environmental measures. The woodland will look magnificent when the trees reach maturity, and forms part of a much wider sustainability strategy that we are currently putting in place Our thanks to Robin for returning the land, to the Woodland Trust for supplying the trees and, of course, TWiG for their invaluable community care.”

Ticket Now On Sale for the Bolesworth International 1024 512 Daniel Shires

Ticket Now On Sale for the Bolesworth International

General admission and VIP experience tickets are now on sale for the revamped Bolesworth International, which opens its doors to the public on Wednesday the 14th of June 2023.

The ground-breaking equestrian and country lifestyle festival is set to shake up the North West’s event scene as it continues to roll out new features with world-class equestrian, artisan and premium shopping, VIP experiences, food, drink, action sports, live entertainment, family zones and overnight camping all on the show schedule.

Naturally, equestrian will be centre stage at the Bolesworth International with Eventing Grand Prix, top-ranking Showjumping, internationally-acclaimed Stunt rider Ben Atkinson, Puissance and Ride and Drive amongst many others. The equine element will be supported by a host of interactive and spectacular areas elsewhere within the impressive Bolesworth Estate grounds with the live entertainment zone hosting headline acts such as The Brand New Heavies, Rick Parfitt’s RPJ band, DJs Trevor Nelson and Phoebe D’Abo – with more in the pipeline.

Tickets are now on sale with entrance fees from as little as £20 per adult and £5 per child (4-14 years).

All-inclusive VIP Experiences are available from £99.00 per person. Reserved seats with priority viewing in a new-for-2023 Ringside Champagne bar can be selected for an additional £39.50, while an extra £5 over general admission will provide grandstand seating.

For those looking to extend their stay and enjoy the overnight ambience of the Bolesworth International extravaganza, camping is offered from as little as £25.00.

For more information and to book tickets, visit 

For retail and partnership enquiries contact

Experience Cheshire’s Greatest Equestrian and Lifestyle Event This Summer 1024 512 Daniel Shires

Experience Cheshire’s Greatest Equestrian and Lifestyle Event This Summer

The recently announced all-new Bolesworth International is forging ahead with a host of exciting equestrian, music, lifestyle, and food and drink experiences designed to confirm the June extravaganza as one of the North West’s biggest and best summertime experiences of 2023.

Running over five days from Wednesday the 14th to Sunday the 18th of June, the Bolesworth International will still welcome to its arena the world-ranking Equestrian talent that it is famous for. However, in a move to broaden its appeal beyond its core equestrian audience, it will embrace a wide range of family zones that will provide plenty of spectacles, and have-a-go activities for all age groups.

Visitors can expect to discover a substantial Lifestyle retail area with country, equestrian and artisan shopping. There will be non-stop sporting action, live music, delicious food, drink and amazing activities for the whole family to engage with. Presentations from celebrity chefs, a full-size fairground, improved children’s activities and experiences, and dog agility events will all add to the family festival vibe.

Lake activities such as paddle boarding and a dog-friendly walking route will also be offered, all with the historic Bolesworth Castle as a backdrop. For those wishing to take time out, a tranquil garden seating area will be opened up within the castle ground.

Naturally, with equine at the heart of the establishment, the Bolesworth International will continue to attract elite sporting stars from the world of showjumping, of particular importance for the top riders from across the UK and overseas is that the Bolesworth International Grand Prix will provide Paris 2024 and European Championship eligibility qualification. For fans of Eventing, a Grand Prix will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday the 14th of June, and there’ll be an evening Nicola Wilson Eventing Masterclass. Fun spectacles such as Puissance, Mini Major and Ride and Drive will also be in the Bolesworth equestrian entertainment mix.

Headline acts such as The Brand New Heavies and DJ Trevor Nelson will top Saturday’s live music nights, while Rick Parfitt’s RPJ Band and London’s iconic DJ Phoebe D’Abo will spin up ‘Live at Bolesworth’ on the Friday evening.

VIP experiences will include; Fine dining with Paul Heathcote MBE and Gary Bates, quality vintage wines provided by Gusbourne Wines, Women in business on Thursday the 15th of June, with guest speakers featuring Collette Roche, CEO of Manchester United Football Club. There’ll also be Business at Bolesworth with guest speakers and an Audience with Michael Owen and Sir AP McCoy. Saturday’s highlight is Ladies Day with Best Dressed Awards.

Elsewhere there’ll be an all-action stunt horse arena, Freestyle Motocross shows, BMX and Mountain Bike shows, Chainsaw wood-carving demonstrations, Electric car driving experiences and Youth electric bike experiences.

General Admission, VIP experiences and camping packages will go on sale on Monday the 27th of February 2023.

For more information visit

For retail and partnership enquiries, please contact Melanie Simm.

Bolesworth Joins Forces With Helite UK & RDA 1024 512 Daniel Shires

Bolesworth Joins Forces With Helite UK & RDA

Bolesworth has partnered with Helite UK and Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) for its 2023 season of equestrian events. 

When the relaunched Bolesworth International gets underway on Wednesday 14th June, Helite UK will be the Official Equestrian Safety Partner, and will work with Bolesworth to raise awareness around the importance of rider safety in Showjumping. To achieve this, they will set out to improve the knowledge and understanding of how airbag safety actually works, and its use in day-day and competitive equestrian life. The partnership will, via a rental scheme, provide access to Helite airbag systems to all competitors involved in Bolesworth events.  

“We have been keeping this under wraps for a while now,” said Peter Riley Managing Director “And are excited to announce that we are an official sponsor and Safety Brand Partner for Bolesworth during 2023. This is a massive step forward for the sport as Bolesworth is the first equestrian venue to promote the safety and wellbeing of their competitors as a core principle when running their events.” 

Nina Barbour Bolesworth Managing Director added; ‘I started to wear an airbag system over a year ago after seeing so many top riders embracing this new technology. I now wear mine every time I get on a horse – it makes me feel far braver! We look forward to promoting safety in our sport at Bolesworth alongside Helite UK.” 

The Riding for the Disabled Association charity will be the Official Equestrian Charity Partner. The organisation benefits the lives of over 17,000 disabled children and adults. With fun activities like riding and carriage driving, they provide therapy, fitness, skills development and opportunities for achievement – all supported by 13,000 volunteers and qualified coaches at nearly 500 RDA centres all over the UK. RDA will support Bolesworth equestrian events with demonstrations and activation such as its popular mechanical horse Charley.  

Lisa Davies, Head of RDA Communications, said; “We are delighted that Bolesworth International have chosen us as their charity partner for this prestigious event. RDA groups support thousands of disabled people every year from accessing physical exercise and achieving their therapeutic or personal goals; to combatting social isolation and boosting wellbeing and happiness. We know that the engagement between people and horses makes a very powerful impact, and we couldn’t do any of it without our amazing horses and volunteers, and the generous support of so many. We’re very grateful to Bolesworth for choosing us, and excited to share our work with visitors to the event. RDA delivers a lot more than people may realise, and this is a fantastic opportunity for us to demonstrate the value of what we do, the benefits of volunteering, and encourage visitors to get involved and help transform more lives.” 

“We are delighted to be partnering with the RDA as our official equestrian charity partner and help promote their vision in enriching the lives of disabled people through horses,” said Nina. “The charity works tirelessly to deliver the therapy and fun of horses to as many people as they can and carry out life-changing activities.” 

The full line-up of content for the brand new Bolesworth International will be released on Wednesday 22nd February, leading with live music, with high profile singers & DJs performing on Friday & Saturday nights, an incredible new shopping experience featuring your favourite Equestrian & Lifestyle brands, and a huge action & entertainment zone due to be open from Friday 16th – Sunday 18th June.  This will feature high energy displays and activities for the whole family from toddlers to equestrians and even for the petrol heads of the family!

 General Admission, VIP experiences and camping packages will go on general sale on Monday 27th February 2023 at 10am. 

 For more information and to sign-up to the exclusive pre-sale discount, visit 

  For retail and partnership enquiries contact 

Arenacross Crowns 2023 British Champions 1024 512 Daniel Shires

Arenacross Crowns 2023 British Champions

The 2023 British Arenacross Championship ended on a high on Saturday the 18th of February at the OVO Arena Wembley. With closely fought racing battles across all classes at the Arenacross Tour presented by Fix Auto UK, and an epic final Main Event, Crendon Fastrack Honda Racing’s Conrad Mewse clawed his way from the back of the Pro class pack to take the final win of the six-round championship.

This win by Mewse, added to his series-long successes, and that of team-mate Josh Gilbert’s, meant the new Honda pairing convincingly secured the British Arenacross Team Championship title for team manager Dave Thorpe and the Crendon Fastrack Honda Racing team.

2023 British Arenacross Championship points:

Arenacross Team Championship
1. Crendon Fast track Honda ,136
2. GTCI REVO Kawasaki, 101
3. Mark McCann 64 YouTube Channel, 84
4. Troy Lee Designs GASGAS, 55
5. Darjen Kawasaki, 37
6. FUS Geartec, 34
7. Gabriel KTM, 22
8. Tru7 Honda, 21
9. Apico Factory Racing, 20
10. All Moto Yamaha powered by Start Solar, 20

Individual championship – Pro
1. Tommy Searle, 86
2. Conrad Mewse, 84
3. Jack Brunell, 57
4. Josh Gilbert , 55
5. Joe Clayton, 46
6. Elliott Banks-Browne, 41
7. Adam Chatfield, 35
8. Mel Pocock, 22
9. Jake Nicholls, 22
10. Martin Barr, 20

AX Futures
1. Joel Fisher, 153
2. Jake Farrelly, 131
3. Sam Dyer, 127

1. Isaac Ash, 180
2. Austin Beasty, 131
3. Lewis Spratt, 131

T-Racers 65cc
1. Casey Lister, 176
2. John Slade, 146
3. Jamie Currie, 122

For full results and championship information, visit

Arenacross Birmingham
Arenacross Celebrates Sell-Out Show in Birmingham 1024 683 Daniel Shires

Arenacross Celebrates Sell-Out Show in Birmingham

The penultimate round of the Arenacross British Championship stormed into the Resorts World Arena, NEC, Birmingham on Saturday, the 4th of February, with a heady line up of the very best British Pro motocross racers, supported by a further five classes of Pro Am and Youth competitors.

The Arenacross Tour presented by Fix Auto has enjoyed several firsts this year. It is the first time the race series has been officially sanctioned by the UK’s Auto Cycle Union (ACU) as a fully-fledged British Championship. It is the first time the Pro line up has been British-only with the reigning British MX1 and MX2 champions in the mix. It is the first-time an all-electric motocross series is a British Championship. And … it is the first time to witness sell-out shows at Belfast and Birmingham.

Eight thousand fans of live action-sports and family entertainment packed the Resorts World Arena on Saturday night, while the total live streaming viewing figures across the tour to date totals an astonishing 260,000. This, on the back of both Belfast and Aberdeen being sell-out shows, confirms that ArenacrossUK is well and truly on the racing map both in the UK, and throughout the world.

On the Pro Arenacross racing front, Tommy Searle, GTCi Revo Kawasaki cleaned up with a flawless performance in both Pro heats and Main Event final. Joe Clayton was the fastest qualifier in the morning sessions. Searle won the overall heats qualifying and Jake Nicholls won the head-to-heads eliminator. Clayton, Searle and Nicholls each collected an additional point for their efforts. Teenager Ben Clayton made it through to his first Main Event thanks to earning the support of fans, family and friends in the People’s Vote.

At the post-event press conference, the top three Pro riders spoke of their Birmingham experience and Arenacross in general;

Jack Brunell – “I’m really happy. The goal was to be on podium every weekend and at the end of the championship be in the fight. I had a setback at the opening round in Belfast but am back on it now. The track was good tonight. Being so technical, it showed what we’re about. We’ve got the two motocross British champions on the line up and I think that next year it can only get stronger. This is the future, rather than standing in a wet field.”

Conrad Mewse – “It was a great night. Coming into the championship, I wanted to do well for our sponsors and team. Overall, we have had solid results and, as a team, at least one of us has always been on the podium. It’s been another fantastic event. The dirt here in Birmingham is incredible. Every round has been different so far which keeps us on our toes. It is so different from what we’re used to and every weekend I feel more and more comfortable with the challenge. It’s a great championship and I see it as only being beneficial, no negatives whatsoever.

Tommy Searle – “The day was good. I was fastest in two practices and won the overall, felt comfortable all night and feel good with my team. Arenacross and its live streaming motivates me massively and I’m enjoying riding. I want to try and win the races to look good on YouTube! I take my hat off to Matt (Bates) and the team. If I was to choose a series next year when I maybe scale it down a bit, this would be my one to choose. My main sponsor at GTCi watches the live streaming, loves it and is coming to London. He’s happy, I’m happy. I would love to see more manufacturers get involved and hope it’s heavily supported next year.

Heading into the final round, Searle leads Mewse by two points. Whatever happens at the usually-dramatic last round in London, one thing is a cert – it’s going to be a hard-fought, head-to-head battle to the line between both reigning British Motocross Champions.

Round 5 – Overall Arenacross Pro British Championship results:
1. Tommy Searle (GTCi Revo Kawasaki)
2. Conrad Mewse (Crendon Fastrack Honda Racing)
3. Jack Brunell (Troy Lee Designs GASGAS)
4. Joe Clayton (Mark McCann 64 YouTube Channel)
5. Dylan Woodcock (Darjen Kawasaki)
6. Elliott Banks-Browne (Mark McCann 64 YouTube Channel)

Overall Pro Championship results:
1. Tommy Searle, 71 points
2. Conrad Mewse, 69 points
3. Josh Gilbert, 46 points
4. Jack Brunell, 46 points
5. Elliott Banks-Browne, 37points
6. Joe Clayton, 36 points

Overall Arenacross Team results:
1. Crendon Fastrack Honda Racing, 112 points
2. GTCI Revo Kawasaki, 80 points
3. Mark Mccan 64 YouTube Channel, 71 points
4. Troy Lee Designs GasGas, 44 points
5. FUS Geartec Husqvarna, 34 points
6. Darjen Kawasaki, 32 points

Other class overall results:

Pro AM
1. Raife Broadley, 30, 2. Neville Bradshaw 26, 3. Sion Talbot, 24, 4. Kyle Lane 21.

1. Joel Fisher, 30, 2. Sam Dyer, 24, 3. Joshua Fletcher, 21, 4. Jake Farrelly, 21.

1. Austin Edwards, 30, 2. Jimmy Ball, 26, 3. Tate Vincent, 22, 4, Leo Andrew Gill, 19.

1. Isaac Ash 30, 2. Austin Beasty, 23, 3. Lewis Spratt 23, 4. Harrison Scholfield, 20.

T-Racers 65cc
1. Casey Lister, 30, 2. John Slade, 26, 3. Jamie Currie, 21, Caleb Ross, 21.

Arenacross partner information can be found at,,,,,,,,, For Troy Lee Designs, Alpinestars and Armorvision visit

Competitors in all classes are now focused on championship glory at the OVO Arena Wembley, on the 18th of February. It’s a showdown not to be missed!

Tickets for the final round are available via